Free Online Backup Using Gmail

Hey all, I was thinking about how Email services are always bragging about how you'll never have to delete another email because they have sooo much space(a typical Gmail account has around 7 to 8 GB of space, which will grow to even more in time). So why don't we put some of that space to work! Have you ever thought about backing up your documents and pictures using an email account? Well, I've been testing it lately and it works pretty good, backing up documents and pictures is fairly fast and easy. What you do is create an email account(Gmail recommended), name it something simple like sharedHD or Harddrive, then create labels(a new feature in Gmail), these will act like folders in a typical hard drive. Now whenever you want to save something to your new "Hard Drive" just send a file as an attachment to the address, or take a faster route and just save your files as drafts in your new account.

Have fun!

Customize the Finder Window

Want to spice up the "Finder" a bit? Here's a few tips on how to do that.

Change the default white background to a color or picture.

1. Open the Finder and right click(hold two fingers on track pad and click) the white area, select "Show View Options"

2. Now a box will show up with a number of different options which I'll you to discover for yourself. Anyway, near the bottom of the window you can select what you want to show up in the finder window, "White"(Default), "Color" and "Picture." To add a picture just select "Picture," and click "Select" and then choose any picture from from your computer. The rest I assume you can figure out for yourself!

Have fun!

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